Welcome! The STEM Learning Center Affiliate Program brings together faculty, staff and community partners to advance the mission of STEM education and equity at UArizona and beyond. We do this through mixers, symposia, workshops, and networking. We welcome UA personnel and community members to complete this application.
The review committee, consisting of the SLC directors and staff, reviews applications monthly. You will receive notice via email about your application status and membership in the Affiliate Program from Cara Shopa, program manager. Once included, you will receive email communications to participate in all sponsored activities. Affiliates are featured on the STEM Learning Center website to facilitate connecting with collaborators.
The Affiliate Program encourages graduate students to participate in programming such as mixers, workshops, trainings, and by signing up for the listserv.
Please direct questions to Cara at caraduncan@arizona.edu. Thank you.
Learn more about Affiliate Relationships and which below best suits you:
Faculty with expertise in areas that influence learning and education such as STEM, equity, gender, disability, learning, etc.; STEM Faculty who are committed to equity.
Faculty Affiliates typically share these areas of expertise: Administration, Assessment and Evaluation, Research: Arts and Humanities, Research: Education and Learning, Research: Health Sciences, Research: Social Science, Research: STEM Disciplinary, STEM Equity, Inclusion and Access, and Teaching
Practitioners/Staff who are affiliated with a UA program that supports students or faculty in STEM
Practitioner/Staff Affiliates typically share these areas of expertise: Assessment and Evaluation, Coordinator, Designer (curriculum, events, programs, and outreach), Director, Management, Specialist (community engagement, community education and outreach, STEM Equity, Inclusion and Access), and Teaching
Community organizations that partner with UA researchers and/or programs.
Collaborator and Partner Affiliates typically share these areas of expertise: Assessment and Evaluation, Business and Industry, Education Organizations (informal, museums, and centers), Foundations (local, state, national), Funding Organizations, Non-Profits, Community Based, NGO, Policy Making and Government Organizations, Schools and PK-20
STEM Learning Center Affiliate Application
STEM Learning Center Affiliates

Robert Q. Berry III

Corey Knox, Ph.D.

Courtney Coffey, Ph.D.
Associate, Education, Diversity & Inclusion, Research Development
Keywords for Research: Access, Belonging, Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Community-based Values

Heather Ingram
Director, Coit Museum of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Keywords for Research: Community Engagement, Collaboration, Universal Design, Diversity in STEM, Interdisciplinarity

Maricruz Zepeda-Wilson
Assistant Director, High School Outreach and Educational Programs
Keywords for Research: Accessibility, Identity, Equitable Programming

Cori Dennis
Coordinator, High School Outreach and Summer Programs
Keywords for Research: Engineering, Collaboration, Outreach, Passion

Noel Hennessey
Director- ENGineering Access, Greater Equity, and Diversity, College of Engineering
Keywords for Research: Culturally Sustaining Mentorship, Engineering, Identity Development, Liberatory Outcomes

Paul Wagner
Associate Professor of Practice / Director Cyber Sciences Academy
Keywords for Research: Cybersecurity, Cyber Hygiene and Literacy, Community Engagement